Other Term for International Agreement

In the world of politics and international relations, international agreements are a common occurrence. These agreements are critical in promoting peace, collaboration, and stability between nations. However, as a professional, you might be wondering about alternative terms for international agreements. In this article, we explore some of the other terms commonly used to refer to international agreements.


A treaty is a formal written agreement between two or more nations that defines the terms of their relationship and obligations. Under international law, a treaty is a binding agreement that requires signatories to abide by its provisions. Treaties can cover a wide range of issues, including trade, security, human rights, and the environment.


Conventions are international agreements that establish standard rules and practices for a particular issue. Conventions can be legally binding or non-binding, depending on their nature. They are usually ratified by member states and govern the behavior of parties involved.


A protocol is an agreement that modifies or supplements an existing treaty. It usually deals with specific issues not covered by the original treaty. Protocols are binding and require ratification by signatories.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

A Memorandum of Understanding is a non-binding agreement between two or more parties. It outlines their intention to cooperate on a particular issue or project, and the terms of their cooperation. MoUs are commonly used in the private sector, but they can also be used in the public sector.


An agreement is a generic term that refers to any binding or non-binding arrangement between two or more parties. It can be used to describe any of the other terms listed above. For example, a treaty is a type of agreement, as is a convention or a protocol.


There are many terms used to describe international agreements, from treaties to conventions, protocols, and MoUs. These agreements are essential in promoting cooperation and understanding between nations, and they cover a wide range of issues. As a professional, understanding these terms will help you create more informed and accurate content on international relations.

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